Officer Roles


  1. Preside over meetings or request that the VP do so.
  2. Set a meeting date at the beginning of the year with the other officers to set the four meetings for the rest of the year and brainstorm for other meeting's agenda
    1. Contact members before each meeting and find out what they would like to have discussed at the meetings
  3. Make sure that the newsletter is prepared and reaches the membership in timely manner
  4. Appoint the nominating committee chair for upcoming elections
  5. Attend the Regional Leadership meeting.
    1. If there are enough funds in the treasury, traveling expenses may be subsidized within reason
  6. Attend National and Regional Festivals or assign another member to represent the guild

Vice President

  1. Arrange/Coordinate meeting programs
    1. Contact all members and see what they would like and try to accommodate them.
    2. Come up with interesting ideas on your own.
    3. Set-up / recruit workshop instructors, seminars or videos.
  2. Fill in for the President if needed.

Vice President of Community Outreach

  1. Promote the guild's presence in our community.
  2. Identify / coordinate community events where the guild can participate.
  3. Liaise with visiting puppeteers and companies.
  4. Fill in for President or other Vice President when they are unavailable.


  1. Collect membership dues
  2. Make reminder calls to members owing dues
  3. Record paid memberships in guild roster
  4. Distribute membership cards to paid members
  5. Deposit dues in guild checking account
  6. Distribute checks from guild checking account reimbursing expenses made on behalf of the guild
  7. Reconcile monthly bank statements
  8. Keep up to date and accurate records of guild finances
  9. Prepare financial reports as needed (This is needed at least once a year for the end of the year report)


  1. Take minutes at meetings
  2. Compile minutes for web archives
  3. Keep an up to date guild roster
  4. Write an annual report for the P of A Vice President and Regional Director before the annual business meeting for P of A
  5. Keep and archive all of the local guild newsletters and minutes

Staff: Webmaster

  1. Maintain the guild's website and other online web presences
    1. Post information to the website including meeting announcements, news of local and regional puppetry events, and meeting minutes
    2. Maintain informational pages on the website about the guild and its activities
    3. Apply patches and upgrades to the software that runs the website
    4. Maintain the guild's Google Group mailing lists (add/remove users, moderate posts, etc.)

Staff: Communications Editor

  1. Assist the webmaster in keeping the website up-to-date with current information